Date: 09/10/07 (HTML Help) Keywords: no keywords some things in my code isn't showing up properly.basically I need the stuff in pink text to show up.D: and I need to change the font for just the heading of my entries, anyone has any idea how? oh by the way I'm using the generator style~^^; GLOBAL_HEAD<=
<=GLOBAL_HEAD FRIENDS_WEBSITE<= <=FRIENDS_WEBSITE LASTN_DATE_FORMAT<= %%daylong%% %%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% at %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%% <=LASTN_DATE_FORMAT FRIENDS_DATE_FORMAT<= %%daylong%% %%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% at %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%% <=FRIENDS_DATE_FORMAT LASTN_WEBSITE<= <=LASTN_WEBSITE LASTN_TALK_LINKS<= %%readlink%%shine for hiroto <=LASTN_TALK_LINKS Source: