This is driving me nuts.

    Date: 10/18/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css

    Hello lovelies,

    I have posted in this community before and have received some fantastic help. However, I seem to have gotten myself stuck again on the same problem.

    It has to deal with centering my layout, using CSS. After reading some of the help posted here I realized that placing as much into css is really best for my site. However, my layout -refuses- to center properly.

    Which leads me to two questions.

    1) What am I doing incorrectly as far as centering the overall layout. (Yes, I am taking out the background before it is being published to the public.)

    2) Once I get the layout centered, how do I get my layer1 div that is scrolling to adjust itself to the dimensions of the screen? I want it in a particular place no matter where the layout is centered too. How can I make this work?

    3) I have tired to get this layer1 to work using css, but whenever I attempt to do so it ends up being extremely wonky. Wonky as in the wrong size, and positioned under the layout as if it is not a layer.

    Whoops. Sorry, that was three. I can count, really!

    I really, really appreciate the help. Thank you.


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