Making my page work in IE vs. Firefox

    Date: 10/28/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    So I'm building a website for my place of employment (my riding stable) and having a lot of fun, since I really only know basic html.

    Right now I'm building it in frontpage. It doesn't have to be something super fancy, just funcional. Anyway, I just discovered the whole "div" layers thing which I like since that means that my pages should work in any setting.

    However, it seems like my div layers aren't working on IE because the content of my layer goes all the way to the right of the background picture, spreading out my website so you have to scroll horizontally, which I want to not have happen.

    So is it just that div layers do not work in IE? And what would be an appropriate fix to make the contents of my page stay to the left? I tried a table, with a specified width, but it didn't like that. Plus, since my background image is my banner and my navigation links are on the left side, I need the table to situated just below the "banner" part of the picture and just to the left of the links.

    Here's a link for you to see what I mean:

    Can anyone help with this? I'd appreciate it! Thanks very much.


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