and that didn't get me anywhere. Can any of you direct me to a resource that will help me figure out how to do this? Or, can you not change the background color of the frame anywhere but within that frame's file?

I hope this makes sense! I am so new to HTML that I might be explaining this incorrectly, so please bear with me. I'm happy to provide more info if you need.


    changing background color in frames

    Date: 03/20/08 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    Hi all ~

    I would appreciate any information you can offer me. I am new to HTML and am taking a class once a week to bring me up to speed. Our current project asks us to create a page divided into three frames - one at the top and two at the bottom. I have links in the right-hand frame that I want to target to the left-hand frame, but when clicking those links, I want the background color of the left-hand frame to change. This image should help to explain:

    I've been Googling left and right trying to figure out how to do this, and can't figure it out. As a workaround, I ended up creating several .html files for the left-hand frame, each with their own unique background color that corresponds to the color I want to see when the right-hand link is clicked. I'm wondering if there's a better/more efficient way to do this. I tried something like this for my right-hand frame:

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