Two Header Images?
Date: 01/10/09
(HTML Help) Keywords: no keywords
I am curious, is there any way to have two header images or have a footer at the top?
Okay, here is what I'm wanting (so you'll all have a vague idea of what I want)
I have a background image that I will be using, but I want two images on top of this background image. One, the larger one, on the left side of the journal, and then a more header esque image at the top.
I would like to avoid just slapping the left image(or even the header) on top of a bigger image for the background. The background image I have, I'd like for it to repeat, thus it wouldn't workout too well to have another image on top of it.
But I just really want to know if this is possible?
And if this is the wrong place to post this, let me know. I'm desperate!