Working Dreamweaver

    Date: 10/02/10 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css

    I'm a poweruser of illustrator, photoshop, and inDesign, but I'm learning flash and Dreamweaver right now.  I have a lot of experience also in print. 

    I've joined lynda and adobeTv, which are great, and doing an awful tutorial :D   We've been working on Div's, etc, and controlling atributes through CSS, common stuff.

    Sadly, my professor is only half an ass-burger, the wrong half. (If he really was autistic in place of his 'personality' I'd be much better off.)

    Anyway, I would like to target certain areas in the tutorials but I don't know the vocabulary to 'look-up' yet.  Could someone or some people suggest some search terms, I'm happy to try to answer all my questions on my own.... I've decided that no matter what I will learn this stuff!

    One question has to do with 'wrappers' - exactly something about that.  Mostly been working on 'positioning', I have some questions on how the closing nesting tags work - are they arbitrary, or specific, regardless of text?  I assume it is basically 'code', and there is no assignments I do not see there.  

    I had lots of problems with jpgs etc, repopulating on the server-side - because my early redirects were to  /documents not to the file defined via 'site' - so I could see stuff on my system but not from a remote computer - scary!  I guess I will get a dedicated machine and have it always fitted with an uncluttered file system - but other suggestions?  It helped me discover the broken-link panel, that was exciting.....
    Thanks, Kids!


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