Backgrounds and Entry Box Sizes
Date: 05/26/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: no keywords
Hi everyone, sorry to ask such a stupid question. I've been looking everywhere and can't find the answer.
I have a very simple journal; everything is set to Tabular Indent.
Is it possible (and if so, I need the code, because I suck like that) to change the size of my entry boxes? I want to make them smaller (actually, to about the size that this community uses) and center them on the page.
Also, is there a code I can use to put a background behind my entry boxes? I just have a simple pattern I'd like to tile across the back, nothing too crazy. I've tried some different things but nothing is working - and even just trying to change the color, I manage to change the entry boxes and background to the same color, but I can't change them independently.
Any help is appreciated!
My journal is
EDIT: Sorry, I had another question I wanted to ask. If you look at my journal, you'll see how my table at the top with all the links is really quite big. Are there any styles that I can like, turn that into a left side scrollbar or something so it's not so much in the way? If I can do that, I'd like to make it so the scrollbar and background are locked in place and the entry boxes can move. Is that possible?