Another Question

    Date: 06/26/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Sorry, but I have a few more questions. I've been tearing apart my layout the last few days, you can look at it at '[info]'angerisagift09 if you get confused with what I'm talking about. It looks horrible now. If you need to know, I am using Generator style. I want the image on the top, with everything else below it. It's there now, but it's barely visible because the actual writing is taking it up. How do I make the margin on the top larger?
    This is the part I need the most help with, I want the background color to be Royal Blue, but there are like 3 backgrounds/thick borders before the actual entries. I don't know how to change the color of these. I want the little border background to be black, then the part that's actually behind the text to be white.
    I try to change the font and it doesn't work. Any tips?
    When I change my font like <*font color = "color"*> why doesn't it show up on my main journal page, and only on the actual entry like when I comment? Same with the size.
    And my last thing, how do I place the comments on the bottom left instead of the top right?
    Thank you so much for helping me! My layout is a mess and this is the only place that actually replies to questions. Will credit in info that you helped if you answer all of my questions. Thanks. ♥


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