Question about scrolling tables
Date: 08/22/05
(HTML Help) Keywords: css, html
Hiya! First time poster here
I'm a paid user and I'm working on a custom style. It's pretty much working for me now, except for one tiny detail. I have my entries in a text box and I want the box to scroll over the background image, while the image remains stationary.
I have this lovely coding, minus spaces (only a snippet of it because my lj-cuts aren't working for some reason)
< STYLE type="text/css" media="screen" platform="livejournal">
body {background-color:#F4AFA8; background-image:url('http://'); background-repeat:repeat-y; margin-right:100%; margin-left:157px; overflow-x:hidden; overflow:-moz-scrollbars-vertical; margin-top:220px;}
however, I'm not sure why it doesn't work. I'm no html wizard and most of the code I use is gacked from others.
Do I need additional coding about the background repeat in the LASTN_ENTRIES box? I just don't know. This is part of the coding that appears in the LASTN_PAGE box. Any help would be appreciated.