Help with profile formatting

    Date: 10/02/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser

    Hello all!

    I'm currently reformatting my User Info section. I decided to use the "span" fucntion instead of the "font" function, with the aid of '[info]'howto. The problem is, it's not really working. I want to do simple things, such as using color and increasing the font size. I'm not sure why it's not working. Here's a sample of the code that I'm using (minus the "*" inside the <>):

    < * span style="font-size:22pt;"><* i>"...~*about me*~..."<* /span>
    <* span style="font-size:10pt; color:#000000;">"los angeles."<* /span><* span style="font-size:14pt; color:#990000;">PROUD USC TROJAN.<* /span><* span style="font-size:10pt; color:#000000;"><* b>" CINEMA-TELEVISION MAJOR."<* /b> music recording minor.<* /span>

    According to my code, "...~*about me*~..." should be size 22 font and in italics. It only shows up in italics.

    I also have some questions about alignment.

    1) I want to center some user info, but I don't want to use the "<* center>" function because it's not compatible with all browsers. Does the <* p align = "justify"> function work for all browsers?
    2) How do you make a paragraph have a straight border on either side? I thought that was the <* p align="justify"> function, but it's not.

    I'd really appreciate it if anyone has any answers or ideas.

    Thank you very much,
    -- Miriam

    EDIT: It showed up on this entry when I didn't put the "*" in the code, so why isn't it showing up on my user info page? I'm using Safari as my browser.


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