justified text

    Date: 12/20/05 (HTML Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Heya, the font on my journal is Arial (7.5pt) but whenever a friend uses 'text align=justify' for each individual entry, it turns up on my journal (on the friends page) as being the font, which is size 12, that I've used for my journal name (- for the name you write in the userinfo area- code being: td div).

    Is there a way that I can sort it out so that their entries aren't size 12pt, without changing the font size under the 'td div' bit?

    Even if no, it'd be great if someone who knows that there isn't any other way except getting rid of it, could let me know! Thanks.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/htmlhelp/2222721.html

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