*sigh*...can't get list to format right

    Date: 02/14/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css, html

    Hope someone will give me a hand with this entry in my journal. It's supposed to be a list with a few different levels, e.g., there'll be a list item, and then a few related sub-items underneath it. As you can tell, the page doesn't indent any of the list items - they're all left-justified (further to the left than the body text, which I also don't get). I've gone through a bunch of HTML reference guides and tried using text-to-HTML editors, etc, but I can't get the entry to look right.

    Is there something I should be doing with blockquotes? Is this a CSS thing...? Any help/advice will be rewarded with pathetic, supplicating gratitude.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2257591.html

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