The nature of SMTP virus detection
Date: 04/27/06
(IT Professionals) Keywords: virus, antivirus
I have a question about SMTP mass mail viruses.
My client is running Symantec Corporate Antivirus with AV Exchange as well.
In the last two days the system has reported a small flood of virus infected attachments coming from inside the SMTP transport.
As far as i can tell, the system is saying the viruses are coming from inside the network.
The "from" addresses are all bogus but of course contain the clients domain name.
I am as I type this running a full virus sweep on all the connected PC's and the 2 servers. So far nothing is showing up (if only Symantec AV recorded IP as well).
Now I am thinking that these are actually INCOMING viruses, probably addressed to bogus addresses.
Am I right in that assessment? If so, why on earth do the Symantec logs show the "target" as the "author"?