
    Date: 06/27/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: database

    Am I the only person remaining on this planet, who strongly believes that one's resume needs to be rock-solid down to the most minute detail? A resume is the very first impression that a prospective employer will ever have of you. And if it is filled with BASIC spelling and grammatical errors, what kind of impression does that give me, if you're going to be writing code that cannot afford to have syntax errors?

    "... to meet company standers... that do not match company standers..."

    "... analyzing systems, and administrate different database engines..."

    "Analyses, design, deployment..."

    "After creating the ERD model and thereby creating the database, and database, and ETL processes."

    These are all from one person's 4 page resume, that I was asked to interview this morning. Doesn't anyone bother to proof-read their resumes any more?!?!

    *bangs head against desk*


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