AD help...

    Date: 03/10/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: database, sql

    OK, I am not an AD specialist, far from it.  However, it is falling to me to do some user creation and maintenance as I have the ability to script from the SQL database and perform mass operations.

    I have been looking for an answer to this for a bit and cannot find any info that explains the behavior that I am seeing.

    When I add accounts with a DSADD command, the displaynam shows as the logon name and not the value I specify in the -display attribute.  The Display Name field is populated and shows up corectly, both in the GUI and with DSGET USER [name] -display.

    I can right click in the MMC and rename the user, but that defeats the automation a bit.

    Is there something I am missing?

    Thanks in advance.

    X-Posted: '[info]'computergeeks and '[info]'itprofessionals


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