HP ML 150 G1 and maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD

    Date: 07/25/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: html, web

    Any clues?
    ---my email to hp which didn't receive any good solutions ---

    i have is a
    HP ML150 XN2.8GHz 256MB
    36GB SCSI HDD +
    and 3 units of 72GB U320 10K HP ML150 HDD in a raid5 config

    and a Adaptec SCSI RAID 2010S ML150

    the specs for this machine states
    "Maximum Internal Storage 730 GB Internal drive cage maximum SCSI capacity (5 x 146 GB)"

    I recently ordered a Maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD , after plugging it in, it will not spin up at all. ie: at the point of power on, all harddisks lights should turn on, for this unit, it just blinks once and goes out.

    I asked my vendor for help, they then contact hp enterprise support only to be told two part numbers that are discontinued.
    73 GB 10K Hot Swap Drive Ultra320 :344689-003 / 344689-001
    144 GB 10K Hot Swap Drive Ultra320 :344691-003 / 344691-001

    -- alternative part numbers are suggested --
    289044-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP
    404708-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP
    377682-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP
    347779-001 SPS-DRV,HD,146GB,U320,10K,HP

    BUT none of these has any 100% guarantee of working, and the cost of it (eg: the first item 289044-001 is quoted at 3x the price of the maxtor harddrive I got. (sgd 3000 vs sgd 980) which is completely atrocious.

    I'd like some suggestions?
    a) is the problem with the raid card? ie: should I upgrade it, if so, do you have suggestions?
    b) is the problem that particular model of harddrive? should I change to another brand (quantum?)
    c) who is HP's harddisks' OEM, given the crazy pricing I'm being offered, I should try to get the OEM version instead.

    any other suggestions?

    --clueless HP helpdesk replied--

    From your mail I understand that you are facing issue with the Maxtor 147GB SCSI U320 10Krpm 80Pin Hot Plug HDD configuration for the ProLiant ML150 server.

    I need to share with you that in case if you are using third party hard drive then HP shall not be able to guarantee how the same will function, as HP have not tested the third party product with HP servers.

    In this case I would suggest you to use the supported hard drives for ProLiant ML150 server. And in case if you face any issue with the HP supported part then HP will provide the technical support.

    However in order to resolve this issue, I would suggest you to upgrade the driver of the array controller. Please download the latest available drivers for array/storage controller from the below mentioned web link:


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/41323.html

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