Split DNS?

    Date: 09/29/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    Anyone using Split-DNS with Windows XP clients?

    We have an internal network domain.com and the same domain.com on the internet.
    What we want is to setup resources on both the intranet and internet so they're accessible from both sides at the same name.

    For example the email server mail.domain.com inside our network, and we want to use it on the internet.

    The problem we have is, that after the users connect to the VPN, they're not able get to the resources anymore! The hostname still resolves to the INTERNET IP address! Even when using ipconfig /flushdns to clear the local cache and using a script to statically set ALL adaptor's DNS server addresses to the internal DNS servers (which obviously work correct for internal users).

    Anyone have experience setting this sort of situation up? I can't even thinnk what could be wrong with these clients!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/44125.html

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