Visual Basic 6 question

    Date: 10/12/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software, sql, web

    Hi all.

    Im new to the community. Quick intro is needed I guess:

    Im a 24 year old student from the North East of England, currently studying computing for business at Northumbria University.

    Im now on my 3rd year and I have been on my work placement for about 3 months. Its great. Three lads sitting in a room, supporting an entire companies I.T resources.

    My job is also to maintain and improve upon a piece of inhouse software called TrackIT. It pretty much keeps track of all telesales activity within the entire company. They sell training to other companies such as water and eletricity.


    TrackIT, is wrote in that lovely language visual basic 6. Now I know nothing about visual basic 6, but im done a pretty good job so far. My education was within Visual Basic.NET, but that education left alot to be desired.

    So my issue is this:

    I know this is probably a really simple question and YES I have looked on every website I can find, and used every text book I can get my hands on.

    Im astounded I cant find this anywhere.

    I very simple need to take the value which has been selected inside a datacombobox, and send it as a string to an SQL statement. The result of which would be a filtered datagrid.

    I did a test with a message Box saying, "MsgBox (dcFilterCompanyName.Item.Text)", because that code wasnt working.

    Am I being completely stupid thinking that piece of code would return the value selected in the datacombo?

    If I am, then can someone please tell me what code to use to retreive the value selected?


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