Ticket Tracking Software

    Date: 11/28/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software

    Hey guys and gal's!

    Just looking for some reccomendations to ticket-tracking software.

    Our company currently uses Numera's Track-It!, but it doesn't meet our needs, nor is it exceptionally intuitive or easy to use. The reason we had it in the first place was because of the people we contracted our IT positions to used it and licensed it through their company.

    - 150-200 users in the company
    - Only between 2-3 people will be entering/managing/completing tickets
    - Not-for-Profit organization (Local historic monument/museum)
    - Settings must be easily changeable and adaptable
    - *must* be easy to use/figure out
    - Does not need to contain asset tracking systems, but if it does, that's a bonus
    - Able to receive ticket information from e-mail

    Thanks so much for any reccomendations!

    Cross posted six ways from sunday

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/47622.html

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