Weird Install issue

    Date: 12/23/06 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    I am having a weird issue trying to re-install 2003 Server. I have a SATA hard disk that requires me to load drivers at install. Problem is that my computer doesn't have an internal floppy, so I grabbed a USB one. When I get to the "Specify additional device" section, I install the drivers no problem. However, when I get to the actual installation, windows decides it can no longer see my USB floppy. This occurs right after the "format drive" and right before the "copy files" sections of install.

    Any ideas?

    I have a I-Omega USB floppy drive.

    (also, I tried this 3 weeks ago with a borrowed floppy drive and it wasn't an issue. so, wtf?)


    ---- Update

    I went back and got the usb I borrowed from before and it is doing the same thing. This means that its not specific for that other floppy drive. I am totally lost.



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