Network & System Monitoring

    Date: 01/11/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software, linux

    What's your favorite Network and System monitoring Software/Solution?

    We're looking for something that will log snmp information from Network Devices, Provide an 'overview' of system and network status, and maybe even log the 'logs' from servers. Something that can help our small IT department track and manage around 20+ servers in 7 remote office locations, and give us a 'window' into not only problems and alerts that need to be brought to our attention, but also an overview of performance (basically SNMP data from switches and routers, aggregated over time).

    Something open source would be nice, but if it's good, we'd be willing to spend some money--but not anything as costly as the huge enterprise-class solutions from IBM or HP...

    We're mostly a Windows Server shop, but we have some CentOS and RedHat servers as well. I'd like to see something linux based, but would be willing to put something on Windows if it's better. If you have a linux-based solution, what OSs would you recommend? As I said we have some CentOS boxes now, but aren't sure whats 'cool' or recommended for servers these days.


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