Lots of stuff to store!

    Date: 02/16/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software

    I'm currently working on a project that involves a photography studio!

    • They're on their 3rd TB of data
    • I want to get them away from those stupid RAID 1 enclosures that offer them 1tb of data storage
    • They have some backup scheme in place, but it involves cds.
    • They just hired a re-toucher guy, and hes going to use gobs and gobs of storage. (they only have 2 other employees, the owner and an assistant)
    • They don't want to spend a fortune.
    I like those Infrant ReadyNAS NV+ boxes, but they only have 4 bays. So after you raid 5 it, its 2.25tb. So we'd need to purcahse two, and that would hold them over until they need to purchase another. Meh. Backing these things up would be a pain in the ass too... i could build a computer with a ton of storage and have it rsync to that computer, but even over gig-e it would take a while.

    My other thought is an XServe RAID with a tape autoloader. But this is significantly more expensive than the Infrant boxes. I know, i know, you get what you pay for. But i don't think the business wants to spend that kind of money. The xserve I priced out is around $11,200 - 7 x750gb drives, 2x battery backup modules, applecare, 5% MA tax... a tape autoloader would be probably an extra $6500 after software and tapes were done. But I feel better about this solution because they can have some offline storage as well as online storage.They could put old years on tape and keep that somewhere safe, and restore parts when/if they needed to.

    The client said that "my friend who does this too just uses two hard drives and saves copies to both" but I get the impression that he doesnt do as much as she does. I have problems suggesting really expensive solutions when there's something else we could put together.

    Suggestions? Ideas? This is my first time with a storage related project. I'm confident in my abilities to set it up once the parts come in, but boy howdy do I love second opinions.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/51468.html

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