Maxtor Shared Storage II 1TB / support for active directory

    Date: 03/15/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    I just bought the Maxtor Shared Storage II 1TB and realised that it doesn't support active directory.

    basically, what i want is each user in my organisation has their own folder eg: \\maxtor\users\%username% as configured under active directory/home directory.

    the problem of course is that permissions cannot be assigned. ie: if I used \\myserver\users\%username% where myserver is a harddisk in any of my domain computers, permissions will be given so that the active directory user has full access to his folder and no user has access to other user folder (unless explicitly added).

    I can't even create a hidden share.

    Would anyone have any suggestions, or do I just go ahead and hope that no one smart enough to figure out they can see everyone elses files by going to \\maxtor\users


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