Reminder - Computers, Freedom & Privacy 2007

    Date: 04/16/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: asp, security, spyware, spam, microsoft

    Debate the Future at the 17th annual Computers Freedom and Privacy
    Conference, 1-4 May 2007 at the Hilton Bonaventure Hotel in
    Montreal, Quebec. WWW.CFP2007.ORG

    CFP is the conference where the inventors and innovators on the Internet
    met the industry, the regulators, and the creative community to talk about
    the new freedoms the net brought. Free speech, censorship, filtering
    spam, crypto controls, business security, dataveillance, were all meat
    for the all-night debates that took place at this annual gathering.

    There has never been a greater need to talk about these issues. This
    year's agenda is packed with plenaries and breakout sessions, and Birds
    of a Feather sessions that look at all aspects of the growing threats
    and opportunities for autonomy in cyberspace.

    Featured Speakers

    * Whitfield Diffie Sun Microsystems
    * Ron Rivest MIT
    * Simon Davies Privacy International
    * Michael Geist University of Ottawa
    * Bruce Schneier BT Counterpane
    * Kim Cameron Microsoft

    * 1 full day workshop * 8 half day tutorials * Topics include: * ID
    Management * Digital Divide * Surveillance * Stalking * Wiretap * War
    on drugs * Digital Millenium Copyright Act * Charter rights * RFIDs *
    Spyware * No Fly lists * Traffic analysis * Airline Passenger Data *
    Health Information * Censorship * Data Retention * Forensics * Security
    Information Management

    All this and lots more! Watch the program at

    Simultaneous Translation throughout plenary sessions

    *Discounts for Students and ACM Members*

    Stephanie Perrin
    Chair CFP2007



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