Am I being unreasonable.

    Date: 05/25/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: web

    I've having discussions with a web designer who doesn't seem to understand revsision control.

    I've put the website they are developing into revision control so that chnages made can be tracked, and so they don't need to develop on the live site.

    But judging by the emails I'm getting from them they seem to having some trouble with the concept of revision control. I haven't actually asked them to drive the VCS driectly yet , I've been quite happy to commit their changes for them and propagte the chnageset on to the live site.

    Is revision control really unusall in this space?

    One of my colleges says yes, at that revision control is unique to the Unix development environment and that web and windows developer rarely (read: practically never) use it.

    But I still think they should be familiar with what a VCS p=tries to achieve even if there haven't used one.

    x-posted to my journal


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