Non-compete clauses?

    Date: 06/18/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello folks!

    Long story short: I work as an I.T. consultant. I'm fed up with my current employer. I've done what I can to improve it and make it a better place to work, but I'm at the end of my rope. The place is bloody toxic and has been since I started a year ago. I'm on the job hunt, probably for something internal again (don't think consulting's right for me... or maybe I've just got a sour taste in my mouth right now :p).

    There is a pretty standard non-compete clause in my contract (i.e. I'm not supposed to perform any work while working at Current Employer or up until 12 months afterwards that would be considered competition/a conflict of interest). There's also a bit prohibiting working for clients of [My Current Employer] during that time period. Funny thing is, one client approached me offhand a while ago about whether I'd be interested in working for their business. Truthfully, they're a fun little company, probably fantastic to work for, and I'd definitely be interested.

    So um... anyone know how well these clauses hold up under scrutiny/in court? (I'm in Alberta, Canada.) I consider myself a just and moral person, and I have some discomfort with the idea of jumping ship in this manner, but... the ship's rusty and unseaworthy. So. Yeah :)

    Thanks for reading!


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