HP DC5700 Microtower and Macros

    Date: 08/09/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello. We have a batch of 57 identical computers running Windows XP with SP2 (1.9Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2GB RAM). We're a fairly large television studio using a program called iNews to receive feeds from the AP and various other sources. There are a variety of hotkeys (macros) being used with this program that simply do not work on the DC5700. To complicate things, the problem is intermittent - the program occasionally DOES open up with every hotkey/macro working on it. In addition, the same program (same version, settings, OS, and set of users) running on the older machines these computers replaced handled the program perfectly without any problems.

    What we've tried:
    -Updating the chipset drivers
    -Updating the BIOS

    Could something be conflicting with the hotkey functions? Since I never use these hotkeys, I can't think of any reason why something might be interfering with iNews, but of course, that's why I'm asking here. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/itprofessionals/62482.html

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