Annoying SQL issue

    Date: 08/21/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: asp, sql, web

    Hey all-

    I've got a really weird SQL issue going on with one of our web servers. SQL is generating an error to the tune of:

    Type: Error
    Category: Alert Engine
    Event ID: 318
    Date: 8/21/2007
    Time: 10:56:34 AM
    User: N/A
    Computer: (servername)
    Unable to read local eventlog (reason: The data area passed to a system call is too small).

    EventID.Net claims it as a few things, and none of them have really applied here. Is this indicative of a pagefile size issue, or is something more serious happening here? I'm racking my brain here, and these errors are filling up the event log to the point where it's pushing off hypothetically legit errors.

    FWIW - Server Specs:

    Dell PowerEdge 2850, Quad Processor, 4 gigs of memory, Server 2003, SQL 2000, IIS/, Veritas Backup Agent for Servers, tons of HD space, all current Windows Updates (errors were occuring prior to last set of updates/reboot for updates).

    Thanks for reading!


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