Crystal Reports

    Date: 09/17/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: web

    Is anybody here working with Crystal Reports in a non-profit environment who would like to trade support (I have lots of web content management/web 2.0/community management expertise)? Or is anyone good with Crystal Reports and patient who just might like to share some emails/IMs with a non-profit employee having to learn very very fast? Or can anyone at least recommend some good resources for Crystal Reports? In particular I'm interested in the best way to share explorable reports with non-technically minded employees (do you like the CRXI web-client? something else all together), methods of backing up a CRXI server, and why subreports seem to cause a lot of stuff to break. I have searched the web, and it seems that CRXI does not have the vibrant user community or abundance of free documentation that most products I've successfully learned on my own do, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.


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