Vista firewall woes

    Date: 09/25/07 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software, google

    We have a new, Vista-running development machine here, and I'm having some serious firewall issues with it.

    Before I join the machine to a domain, I'm able to turn the firewall on and off with a local admin account. Once I join a domain, I am unable to turn it on, to the tune of "Windows cannot start the Windows Firewall service." However, even after I leave the domain (and am only in a work group), I am unable to start the service. This is a clean install of Vista Business.

    Is this a "that's how Vista works" issue, or is there something more here? I've Googled my greasy little heart out on this.

    Thanks for reading.

    **EDIT - I need the firewall service to be running for the remote admin software that's on the machine.


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