Strange Network Issue

    Date: 09/23/09 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: linux

    Im not quite sure how to describe this issue. So I'll give it my best shot. We are having an issue on our where certain people are able to access our trouble ticketing system and others arent. To elaborate on that lets say the url to access it is, there are certain people on the network who can at times access it and at other times can not, while others can access it just fine all the time. I am unsure what is causing this. I feel that it may be a DNS issue. Most of the systems that are doing this are windows XP pro, the service packs range between 2 and 3, mac OSX Leopard and Snow Leopard. So far the only ones not affected are the linux systems.

    Any light that can be shed or any questions to help clarify my issue would be appreciated.


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