Dependable DSL Modem?

    Date: 08/08/11 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello, I'm my mother's tech support and while I know a lot about Windows and a decent amount about corporate networking, my knowledge for home dsl modems is limited.

    Her AT&T DSL modem is overheating and shutting down. Apparently they sold it to her and it's now out of warranty.

    Their choices are 2Wire, Motorola and Westell modems. I believe she has Motorola now. From the reviews I've read, the first two brands have overheating problems. There's not much available about the Westell F90 other than there are quite a few available used. That's not a good omen to me.

    From information gathered by googling "dependable dsl modems", I'm tempted to pick up an ActionTec GT724R at Fry's.

    My mom is fighting terminal cancer and doesn't like to bother me so she'll go days without a connection before she asks for help. I don't like for her to be cut off from her email and online medical care.

    Dependability is a huge issue for us. Any advice?


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