Outlook 2000 and XP SP 2 Intranet Prompting

    Date: 05/11/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: security, web

    I have an Exchange 5.5 (Yes! We are upgrading within days) and Outlook 2000 environment at work.

    Recently a few users including myself upgraded to XP Sp2. Suddenly, we are being prompted for a domain login/pass when we open emails that contain images on the intranet webserver. Prior, it automatically authenticated. IE does not currently prompt (for most people). I made sure the Intranet server was added to the Intranet Sites in the IE Security tab.

    I've looked all around the web but can't even find anyone else that has this problem. Any of you have any insight?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/11285.html

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