A question ...

    Date: 06/06/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: linux

    Not sure if this is allowed here, and if not, I apologize - feel free to delete this. I'm new here by the way but I have a question about training ...

    My work is allowing me to take some classes, and my VP has shown me a book from CompuMaster also known as SkillPath. My question, have any of you ever taken classes through this company? If so, how were the classes? I'm looking at taking a Linux course through this company. At $995/class for two days, the topics are interesting (some will be new, some I know) but I'd like to have a more formal class rather than learn as you go ...

    If this is a waste of my time, could you all recommend any training companies? Thanks in advance.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/12913.html

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