theSummit 2005 - Thursday July 28, 2005 - Las Vegas

    Date: 06/24/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: security

    theSummit 2005 - Thursday July 28, 2005 - Las Vegas

    At the end of Black Hat and the beginning of DEFCON this year is theSummit 2005 - bringing together DEFCON & Black Hat speakers from past/present, as well as well known names in the computer security world. We all come together in a small, private venue for the evening summit to meet and discuss the important topics and socialize.

    Note that there will be no more than 200 tickets sold (including featured guests), and all proceeds go to the Electronic Frontier Foundation [] with the sponsor covering event overhead.

    theSummit is our gathering of BlackHat / DefCon speakers and big thinkers in the Information Security realm. Anyone interested in supporting the EFF, are highly encouraged to attend; meet with fellow Information security professionals, and talk with big thinkers from the Information security world in a more private and informal setting. Too many times people want to ask questions, or have ideas that cannot make it to the big thinkers. This is either because of time conflicts or they are nervous to come up and talk. This event plans to pull out the stops, and allow the free form of conversation to flow.

    The Electronic Frontier Foundation [] is a nonprofit group of passionate people — lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — working to protect our digital rights.

    Where: Ice House Lounge, 650 S. Main Street, Las Vegas, Nevada
    When: Thursday July 28, 2005, 9:00PM - 12:00AM
    Tickets: $30 (pre-sale) $40 (at the door, if available)
    All Ages welcomed!

    For more information, and to purchase tickets for the event:

    Event is sponsored by the Hackajar Foundation, and by the members of DEFCON 702.

    We all hope to see you there!


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