Active Directory over VPN

    Date: 07/01/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    I've been looking all over the net for info on this and have come up blank.

    I'm hoping you guys could assist =)

    I have a client who has a Sonicwall - Sonicwall VPN gateway. I've made sure that all NetBios traffic is allowed through both ends of the gateway.

    One of the issues with this link, is that one of the end points of the tunnel is on a home class DSL line, with only 128kbps upload max.
    So its expected that speeds aren't going to be great.

    However, this machine takes FOREVER to authenticate to the AD server when the syste is first logged into in the morning.

    Is this solely because of the poor upload speed, or is there something I am missing?

    I do see some weird DNS errors in the computer in questions logs. Is there something in particular I need to do either on the DNS server or on the firewalls to properlly allow DNS updates to occur over a VPN link?

    Is it possible that the end point computer isn't registering with the DNS/AD server because of the difference in subnets?

    Any help or info would be appreciated.


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