
    Date: 08/19/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    am i the ONLY one here who is sitting back, sipping my fifth cup of coffee, and laughing quietly as i read report after report and release after release of the new win2k worms running (apparently, although i doubt it's so) rampant?

    Am i the ONLY one sitting on a home Lan of 6 win2000 computers and one win2003 server that were all FULLY PATCHED the DAY the patch came out a couple of weeks ago and thinking that the actual fault of these infections lies purely with the sysadmins and other such people that did NOT patch their win2k computers immediately or as soon as possible, given the increasingly small window of time between an vulnerability and an exploit?

    news flash to customers, patch your damned machines, cause you aren't going to get any sympathy from ME when you get hit by an exploit that was patched weeks earlier.



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