Lotus Domino and Blackberry Enterprise Server

    Date: 08/23/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: software

    Does anyone have any experience with deploying BES 4.0 with Domino? We're moving our Domino server from as/400 to windows this coming weekend and my boss came to me yesterday to get BES installed and running at the same time. The installation guide and documentation that comes with the software is pretty vague about hardware and system requirements for BES.

    My main questions are:

    Is it better to install BES on the production server or a separate server?

    I did find a page at blackberry.com about BES requiring at least a p4 2Ghz with 1.5 gigs of RAM for 500 users. is this 500 blackberry users or 500 domino users with only a portion of those using blackberries? (I think by the end of the year, we may have a grand total of 50 blackberries)

    If deploying on a separate server, I know that I am going to need another domino license for that server. As I understand it, when we've purchased domino licenses in the past, we have had to purchase a license for our entire user base. Is this the case for the BES box, or is there a scaled down domino license that I can purchase?

    Any gotchas, tips, hints, tricks, or information that you guys can provide/suggest would be much appreciated.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/19333.html

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