Solaris X86 and notebooks/desktops?

    Date: 09/18/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: html

    has a handly HCL on notebooks that have been reported to play nice with Solaris X86 10

    Might come in handy for some of you..

    but.. anyone have any personal experience with this? While I am out of the Biz, I am serving as de facto IT guy for my fellow grad students in my Ph.D program. Our Uni, uses Solaris for all their UNIX servers (including the ever important app server that has SPSS,SAS,SATA, etc). I have been asked a few times for recommendations for systems (desktops and laptops) for a dual boot environment. I am recommending solaris to everyone, since it is what the servers out there use, and i don't want to be inundated with questions on the occasional odd syntax differences in solaris and other *nix flavors. (hell getting Political Science Students to learn the basics of one *nix variant is enough for me)

    So anyone have personal experience with out of the box, unmodded desktops and laptops that play nice with Solaris 10 x86?

    any help would be much appreciated


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