ASP script

    Date: 10/01/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: asp, java, web

    Presently I work as the webadmin for the college that I attend. Presently my college is in the process of an IT overhaul and recently my boss came to me and asked me to create a webpage which may be set as everyone's background and run solely inhouse. This page needs to display the current date & time and the users NAT'd IP address. I noticed that Auditmypc using java would display your internal IP address. The reason for this page is so that when we go to VNC a persons computer we know what their IP address is and this will eliminate our need to sit there and guess which computer they are on. They could simply just read off their IP address. I searched all of my ASP books and ASP data access books and could find nothing about this. I also checked the MSDN developer network and still nothing. I also checked and several other script locations and could find nothing on how to do this and if it would even be possible. If it cannot be set as the background we would just make a shortcut to the page. Presently we do not host our webpage internally so the script would need to be executed on a remote server however it is in an aera of the site that would be locked down unless you were on our LAN.
    Is this kind of script legal? I could find nothing that would imply that it was or was not.
    In addition how would I do this?
    Any and all advice in regards to this would be greatly appreciated.
    Forgive my ignorance, this is a unique resquest and something that I have never encoutered before and I would like to honor it.

    Please advise.


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