.: Windows Vista Beta 1 Distribution :.

    Date: 11/08/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: microsoft

    For those who want to evaluate, the distribution is up for downloading.


    I'm doing the hardware performance eval for my company to see if our existing systems can perform sufficiently with the new OS.

    The download speed is quite fast. :) Almost 90% when I'm writing this.

    The size is a total of 2.86GB in ISO format and needs to be burn to DVD. This means that the PCs have to have a DVD drive or perhaps I could do a Network Share with either a bootable CD or floppy; have to read the documentation on this.

    Oh another thing, to download this, you need to be either a MSDN subscriber or a TechNet Plus subscriber.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/29399.html

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