
    Date: 12/14/05 (IT Professionals)    Keywords: no keywords

    hope cross posting is okay...

    Here's one for my network admins and the peanut gallery!......this is a file share issue that I have been milling over for the past month or two that's totally driven me insane.

    XP Pro SP2 machines cannot see the shares/files/folders on the Win 2003 SE server. However, all of my 2000 SP4 (roll up done) machines CAN see all the shares/files/folders perfectly fine! No one I've talked to has ever heard of this before! Some days some XP machines can see the shares, other days they can't. Sometimes they can see the folder, but no documents inside nor subfolders! All while the 2000 machines sit pretty since they can see all. I've tried everything [almost, heh] and hunted for a hotfix to no avail.

    Suggestions greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance. :) [at this point i'll take a shoulder to cry on over suggestions, lol]

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/itprofessionals/30904.html

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