1. Windows 7 network failure after long uptime

    Date: 08/13/11     Keywords: no keywords

    Problems seen after leaving a Windows 7 computer on overnight:

    • The Ethernet connection was in the "disabled" state and claimed the cable had been disconnected (it hadn't).
    • ipconfig /all hung permanently and did not respond to Ctrl-C.
    • The network control panel took five minutes to open.
    • Anything that needed administrator access would not work. Task Manager would not show processes from all users, the Services control panel would not open, and I could not enable or disable the network interfaces. Windows would usually show a window asking for confirmation to perform an administrative task; it did not appear.
    • After a reboot, the user could not log on. The computer had to be powered off and restarted. This may be PEBKAC, but has enough changed in the boot process that rebooting no longer necessarily means rebooting and a cached bad OS state could have been reloaded?

    My initial thought was that a conflict between the wired and wireless network adapters might have occurred when the DHCP lease ran out, since the computer uses Ethernet but has wireless capability, so I disabled the wireless interface. The User Account Control failure suggests the problems are deeper.

    From the Event Log: Around midnight, there are two DNS lookup failures for msftncsi and Symantec Live Update. After that, a large number of services fail to respond to svchost, starting with upnphost. It's possible that the failure to ping msftncsi led Windows to believe the network was down, but that does not explain why plug-and-play and a number of other services failed or why Windows thought the cable was physically disconnected. There was no sign of any earlier problem that would have led to the DNS failure.

    The computer is less than a week old, so cruft should not be an issue.

    What might have broken? I am not familiar with Windows 7's internals.

    Another user with a potentially related problem:

    Start an Internet radio stream on iTunes. Go away and have lunch or do some chores. You can listen while you work. Come back in thirty minutes and move the mouse. Frequently, the stream will stop and you will get the DNS server timeout error.

    I have not tried that.

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92961.html

  2. Windows 7 network failure after long uptime

    Date: 08/13/11     Keywords: no keywords

    Problems seen after leaving a Windows 7 computer on overnight:

    • The Ethernet connection was in the "disabled" state and claimed the cable had been disconnected (it hadn't).
    • ipconfig /all hung permanently and did not respond to Ctrl-C.
    • The network control panel took five minutes to open.
    • Anything that needed administrator access would not work. Task Manager would not show processes from all users, the Services control panel would not open, and I could not enable or disable the network interfaces. Windows would usually show a window asking for confirmation to perform an administrative task; it did not appear.
    • After a reboot, the user could not log on. The computer had to be powered off and restarted. This may be PEBKAC, but has enough changed in the boot process that rebooting no longer necessarily means rebooting and a cached bad OS state could have been reloaded?

    My initial thought was that a conflict between the wired and wireless network adapters might have occurred when the DHCP lease ran out, since the computer uses Ethernet but has wireless capability, so I disabled the wireless interface. The User Account Control failure suggests the problems are deeper.

    From the Event Log: Around midnight, there are two DNS lookup failures for msftncsi and Symantec Live Update. After that, a large number of services fail to respond to svchost, starting with upnphost. It's possible that the failure to ping msftncsi led Windows to believe the network was down, but that does not explain why plug-and-play and a number of other services failed or why Windows thought the cable was physically disconnected. There was no sign of any earlier problem that would have led to the DNS failure.

    The computer is less than a week old, so cruft should not be an issue.

    What might have broken? I am not familiar with Windows 7's internals.

    Another user with a potentially related problem:

    Start an Internet radio stream on iTunes. Go away and have lunch or do some chores. You can listen while you work. Come back in thirty minutes and move the mouse. Frequently, the stream will stop and you will get the DNS server timeout error.

    I have not tried that.

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92961.html

  3. Dependable DSL Modem?

    Date: 08/08/11     Keywords: no keywords

    Hello, I'm my mother's tech support and while I know a lot about Windows and a decent amount about corporate networking, my knowledge for home dsl modems is limited.

    Her AT&T DSL modem is overheating and shutting down. Apparently they sold it to her and it's now out of warranty.

    Their choices are 2Wire, Motorola and Westell modems. I believe she has Motorola now. From the reviews I've read, the first two brands have overheating problems. There's not much available about the Westell F90 other than there are quite a few available used. That's not a good omen to me.

    From information gathered by googling "dependable dsl modems", I'm tempted to pick up an ActionTec GT724R at Fry's.

    My mom is fighting terminal cancer and doesn't like to bother me so she'll go days without a connection before she asks for help. I don't like for her to be cut off from her email and online medical care.

    Dependability is a huge issue for us. Any advice?

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92891.html

  4. Dependable DSL Modem?

    Date: 08/08/11     Keywords: no keywords

    Hello, I'm my mother's tech support and while I know a lot about Windows and a decent amount about corporate networking, my knowledge for home dsl modems is limited.

    Her AT&T DSL modem is overheating and shutting down. Apparently they sold it to her and it's now out of warranty.

    Their choices are 2Wire, Motorola and Westell modems. I believe she has Motorola now. From the reviews I've read, the first two brands have overheating problems. There's not much available about the Westell F90 other than there are quite a few available used. That's not a good omen to me.

    From information gathered by googling "dependable dsl modems", I'm tempted to pick up an ActionTec GT724R at Fry's.

    My mom is fighting terminal cancer and doesn't like to bother me so she'll go days without a connection before she asks for help. I don't like for her to be cut off from her email and online medical care.

    Dependability is a huge issue for us. Any advice?

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92891.html

  5. Networking advances of the aughts?

    Date: 01/04/11     Keywords: security, web

    What's new in networking over the past ten years? My reason for asking is that I'm re-taking a Cisco networking course to keep my skills up to date, but I have no expectation that the teacher and course material are up to date. I'll start with a few things that were not in the Cisco material when I last took the course.

    • Netflow packet dumping.
    • VPNs are far more popular than they used to be. Hardly anyone had them before; now it's expected that anyone knows how to set them up.
    • Routers have gained enough features that traditional routers are called Layer 3 Switches, which raises the question of what new features are expected to be in a proper "router".
    • Gigabit Ethernet and the move from Cat5 to Cat5e and Cat6 were a significant change. There is also Cat6A for 10,000baseT.
    • BGP is the routing protocol used on the Internet. This is not new, but it was not covered in the Cisco material.
    • Lots of places are punching big holes in their security with wireless routers and exploitable wireless devices (like printers) in the trusted section of the network. MAC whitelists and encryption are musts for access points, but some of the standard encryption methods such as WPA and WEP have been compromised.

    What else is new? Also, what are some good news websites for reading about networking advances?

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92384.html

  6. Networking advances of the aughts?

    Date: 01/04/11     Keywords: security, web

    What's new in networking over the past ten years? My reason for asking is that I'm re-taking a Cisco networking course to keep my skills up to date, but I have no expectation that the teacher and course material are up to date. I'll start with a few things that were not in the Cisco material when I last took the course.

    • Netflow packet dumping.
    • VPNs are far more popular than they used to be. Hardly anyone had them before; now it's expected that anyone knows how to set them up.
    • Routers have gained enough features that traditional routers are called Layer 3 Switches, which raises the question of what new features are expected to be in a proper "router".
    • Gigabit Ethernet and the move from Cat5 to Cat5e and Cat6 were a significant change. There is also Cat6A for 10,000baseT.
    • BGP is the routing protocol used on the Internet. This is not new, but it was not covered in the Cisco material.
    • Lots of places are punching big holes in their security with wireless routers and exploitable wireless devices (like printers) in the trusted section of the network. MAC whitelists and encryption are musts for access points, but some of the standard encryption methods such as WPA and WEP have been compromised.

    What else is new? Also, what are some good news websites for reading about networking advances?

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/92384.html

  7. Continuous VS Standby UPS

    Date: 11/10/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I just got off the phone with APC asking which units they sold offered 'continuous' rather than 'standy' power.

    Continuous - always powered from batteries, which are charged when power is available.  This handles not only power spikes or flat out outages (like standby models), but low power conditions as well as 0 cutover time (as there isn't a cutover).

    He informed me all the Smart-UPS and the RS models in the Back-UPS line all offer continuous.

    I'm posting this info for a few reasons:

    1) So you don't have to call APC :)
    2) What other series from other manufacturers offer continuous ups?
    3) Debate the whole necessity of continuous vs standy

    More info about my setup/goals if you're curious:

    My whole plan is get my home machines (2), 1TB San (750 due to raid5 - old, eh?), Router/WIFI AP and cable modem hooked up to either 1 or 2 of these + an LCD at each desk.  I'm divided whether I should get a higher rated unit for all, or 2 and split the load.

    My main issue is power 'lows' - I've toasted 2 high end PSUs (along with mobo and vid card once), and the one I have now is working, but I suspect is not consistantly passing enough power to a hard drive that now refuses to stay on while under heavy use.  I don't know if either are now 'damaged', but I'm fairly certain the source problem is power.  I have a standby unit connected to my wife's computer currently, and occasionally it'll start beeping - leading me to believe stable power is an actual problem.

    I plan on stopping by Home Depot on my way home for a Kill-A-Watt device so I'll know exactly what power rating I need.

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91973.html

  8. Continuous VS Standby UPS

    Date: 11/10/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I just got off the phone with APC asking which units they sold offered 'continuous' rather than 'standy' power.

    Continuous - always powered from batteries, which are charged when power is available.  This handles not only power spikes or flat out outages (like standby models), but low power conditions as well as 0 cutover time (as there isn't a cutover).

    He informed me all the Smart-UPS and the RS models in the Back-UPS line all offer continuous.

    I'm posting this info for a few reasons:

    1) So you don't have to call APC :)
    2) What other series from other manufacturers offer continuous ups?
    3) Debate the whole necessity of continuous vs standy

    More info about my setup/goals if you're curious:

    My whole plan is get my home machines (2), 1TB San (750 due to raid5 - old, eh?), Router/WIFI AP and cable modem hooked up to either 1 or 2 of these + an LCD at each desk.  I'm divided whether I should get a higher rated unit for all, or 2 and split the load.

    My main issue is power 'lows' - I've toasted 2 high end PSUs (along with mobo and vid card once), and the one I have now is working, but I suspect is not consistantly passing enough power to a hard drive that now refuses to stay on while under heavy use.  I don't know if either are now 'damaged', but I'm fairly certain the source problem is power.  I have a standby unit connected to my wife's computer currently, and occasionally it'll start beeping - leading me to believe stable power is an actual problem.

    I plan on stopping by Home Depot on my way home for a Kill-A-Watt device so I'll know exactly what power rating I need.

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91973.html

  9. HelpSmith 3.3 is Available for Download

    Date: 10/22/10     Keywords: php, software, html, web, google

    Divcom Software is pleased to announce the release of HelpSmith 3.3. HelpSmith is a powerful help authoring tool for quick creation of professional help systems (HTML Help, Web Help), Printed Manuals, and PDF documents. The new version includes improved Unicode support, the ability to use Flash and QuickTime animations, better compatibility of Web Help with Google Chrome, and other new features.

    HelpSmith constantly receives positive feedback from its users due to its simplicity in use combined with a professional feature set, and comparatively low price. We hope you will also find it useful.

    HelpSmith Main Window:

    HTML Help and Web Help Systems created with HelpSmith:

    HTML Help Sample

    Web Help Sample

    HelpSmith is available as a FREE evaluation copy. The product includes sample help projects which you can use for testing purposes. In addition, we have technical articles on integrating a help system with different development environments and languages (C#, VB.NET, Delphi, etc.).

    You can learn more and download HelpSmith 3.3 using the links below:

    Home Page: http://www.helpsmith.com
    Screenshots: http://www.helpsmith.com/screenshots.php
    Download: http://www.helpsmith.com/download.php
    What's New in HelpSmith 3.3: http://blog.helpsmith.com

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91660.html

  10. HelpSmith 3.3 is Available for Download

    Date: 10/22/10     Keywords: php, software, html, web, google

    Divcom Software is pleased to announce the release of HelpSmith 3.3. HelpSmith is a powerful help authoring tool for quick creation of professional help systems (HTML Help, Web Help), Printed Manuals, and PDF documents. The new version includes improved Unicode support, the ability to use Flash and QuickTime animations, better compatibility of Web Help with Google Chrome, and other new features.

    HelpSmith constantly receives positive feedback from its users due to its simplicity in use combined with a professional feature set, and comparatively low price. We hope you will also find it useful.

    HelpSmith Main Window:

    HTML Help and Web Help Systems created with HelpSmith:

    HTML Help Sample

    Web Help Sample

    HelpSmith is available as a FREE evaluation copy. The product includes sample help projects which you can use for testing purposes. In addition, we have technical articles on integrating a help system with different development environments and languages (C#, VB.NET, Delphi, etc.).

    You can learn more and download HelpSmith 3.3 using the links below:

    Home Page: http://www.helpsmith.com
    Screenshots: http://www.helpsmith.com/screenshots.php
    Download: http://www.helpsmith.com/download.php
    What's New in HelpSmith 3.3: http://blog.helpsmith.com

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91660.html

  11. ACM Professional Membership - Worth it?

    Date: 05/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I appear to have been invited to join the ACM.

    My question for existing members is simply this:

    Is it worth the money?

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91138.html

  12. ACM Professional Membership - Worth it?

    Date: 05/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I appear to have been invited to join the ACM.

    My question for existing members is simply this:

    Is it worth the money?

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91138.html

  13. Router Question

    Date: 04/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I have to re-configure a D-Link WBR 2310 Router. I have never configured a router before but think for the most part I have enough info on how to do it.

    The only part that I have no idea how to do is set a visitor log on with password for the public to be able to get onto the internet with their laptops.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91049.html

  14. Router Question

    Date: 04/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I have to re-configure a D-Link WBR 2310 Router. I have never configured a router before but think for the most part I have enough info on how to do it.

    The only part that I have no idea how to do is set a visitor log on with password for the public to be able to get onto the internet with their laptops.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/91049.html

  15. Bad clusters on a scsi raid 5 drive.

    Date: 04/13/10     Keywords: asp, sql, security, microsoft

    I should know this.

    Checking file system on C:
    The type of the file system is NTFS.

    A disk check has been scheduled.
    Windows will now check the disk.
    Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
    Cleaning up 57 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 57 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 57 unused security descriptors.
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
    Usn Journal verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 87
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\Data\DISTRI~1.MDF.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 7220
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201004~1\TB5CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 26077
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201004~1\TBLPDF~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 32542
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201003~1\TB5CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 34123
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200802~1\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 59114
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200904~1\TB4CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 66747
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200904~1\TBLPDF~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 306249
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200608~1\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 313926
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200608~2\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    File data verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
    Free space verification is complete.
    The size specified for the log file is too small.

    213371743 KB total disk space.
    137811912 KB in 82347 files.
    42892 KB in 6088 indexes.
    0 KB in bad sectors.
    962587 KB in use by the system.
    23040 KB occupied by the log file.
    74554352 KB available on disk.

    4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
    53342935 total allocation units on disk.
    18638588 allocation units available on disk.

    Windows has finished checking your disk.
    Please wait while your computer restarts.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


    this is on my domain controller, this is a HP raid5 array consisting of 4 72gb scsi disks. how can you get bad clusters on a raided drive? how can I know which physical drive is failing?

    did I actually lose any data/get any data corruption?

    I have backups of course, the problem if its hardware failure, and I am going to do migration to windows 2008 r2 from windows 2003, it will still take sometime to initiate things, buying a single replacement scsi might be viable but if I can't identify the drive and have to get 4 scsi drives and rebuild the array 1 disk at the time, it would be problematic not to mention prone to disaster.

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90386.html

  16. Bad clusters on a scsi raid 5 drive.

    Date: 04/13/10     Keywords: asp, sql, security, microsoft

    I should know this.

    Checking file system on C:
    The type of the file system is NTFS.

    A disk check has been scheduled.
    Windows will now check the disk.
    Cleaning up minor inconsistencies on the drive.
    Cleaning up 57 unused index entries from index $SII of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 57 unused index entries from index $SDH of file 0x9.
    Cleaning up 57 unused security descriptors.
    CHKDSK is verifying Usn Journal...
    Usn Journal verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying file data (stage 4 of 5)...
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 87
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\Data\DISTRI~1.MDF.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 7220
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201004~1\TB5CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 26077
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201004~1\TBLPDF~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 32542
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\201003~1\TB5CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 34123
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200802~1\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 59114
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200904~1\TB4CD1~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 66747
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200904~1\TBLPDF~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 306249
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200608~1\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    Windows replaced bad clusters in file 313926
    of name \mssql\MSSQL$~1\REPLDATA\unc\INSIGH~1\200608~2\TB50D9~1.BCP.
    File data verification completed.
    CHKDSK is verifying free space (stage 5 of 5)...
    Free space verification is complete.
    The size specified for the log file is too small.

    213371743 KB total disk space.
    137811912 KB in 82347 files.
    42892 KB in 6088 indexes.
    0 KB in bad sectors.
    962587 KB in use by the system.
    23040 KB occupied by the log file.
    74554352 KB available on disk.

    4096 bytes in each allocation unit.
    53342935 total allocation units on disk.
    18638588 allocation units available on disk.

    Windows has finished checking your disk.
    Please wait while your computer restarts.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


    this is on my domain controller, this is a HP raid5 array consisting of 4 72gb scsi disks. how can you get bad clusters on a raided drive? how can I know which physical drive is failing?

    did I actually lose any data/get any data corruption?

    I have backups of course, the problem if its hardware failure, and I am going to do migration to windows 2008 r2 from windows 2003, it will still take sometime to initiate things, buying a single replacement scsi might be viable but if I can't identify the drive and have to get 4 scsi drives and rebuild the array 1 disk at the time, it would be problematic not to mention prone to disaster.

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90386.html

  17. Tutorial's discussion

    Date: 03/18/10     Keywords: php

    I would like to speak with about online tutorials. How tutorials do you like?
    There are different tutorials nowdays for example: w3schools; tizag.com.
    As for me I like to use these php tutorials. And you?

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90220.html

  18. Tutorial's discussion

    Date: 03/18/10     Keywords: php

    I would like to speak with about online tutorials. How tutorials do you like?
    There are different tutorials nowdays for example: w3schools; tizag.com.
    As for me I like to use these php tutorials. And you?

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90220.html

  19. Hi, everyone here!

    Date: 03/16/10     Keywords: web

    Hi, everyone here!
    I am beginner in this community. I would like to ask you. How web forms do you use. I heared about using form generator. But may form creator be better? How do you think?

    Source: http://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90075.html

  20. Hi, everyone here!

    Date: 03/16/10     Keywords: web

    Hi, everyone here!
    I am beginner in this community. I would like to ask you. How web forms do you use. I heared about using form generator. But may form creator be better? How do you think?

    Source: https://itprofessionals.livejournal.com/90075.html

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