1. 30 Day Goal For Regular Exercises

    Date: 07/29/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Inspired by Steve Pavlina’s article, I have decided to take a 30 day program to exercise every day for at least an hour from August 2007. While it may sound simple, even obvious to many, it isn’t so simple for someone with 110 Kg (kilogram), not to mention my work schedule which keeps me busy [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/30-day-goal-for-regular-exercises/

  2. Tata Indicom Broadband PostPaid Connection - First Impressions

    Date: 07/29/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Tata Indicom Broadband suffers from strongly negative perceptions on the internet which I summarized in Tata Indicom Broadband meta review. Based on the strongly negative perceptions I was initially reluctant to get Tata Indicom Broadband even as a secondary / backup connection. However BSNL DataOne Broadband continued to fail me miserably. For the last 3 [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/tata-indicom-broadband-postpaid-connection-first-impressions/

  3. Biggest Internet Explorer Problem With Javascript

    Date: 07/26/07     Keywords: browser, java, microsoft

    You would be surprised to know that the biggest Internet Explorer issue I am facing while writing rather complex cross-browser javascript code is related to just a comma. In javascript array if you add a comma after the last element in the array then Internet Explorer fails with a variety of undecipherable (Microsoft style) error messages. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/biggest-internet-explorer-problem-with-javascript/

  4. MySQL Tip: MySQL Server Has Gone Away Or Lost connection to server during query Fix

    Date: 07/25/07     Keywords: php, mysql, software, sql

    A much dreaded MySQL error message during queries is “MySQL server has gone away”. An alternative message is “Lost connection to server during query”. This is a strange problem which afflicts a wide variety of PHP software including but not limited to WordPress. There are several causes for it. Let’s look at the common and [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/mysql-tip-mysql-server-has-gone-away-or-lost-connection-to-server-during-query-fix/

  5. iPhone Activation for Dummies

    Date: 07/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    iActivator is a nice Mac OS X application which allows activating your iPhone without a contract. It provides a nice graphical user interface and is very well suited for the non-technical people. You can easily do with the UI the all manual steps involved - Jailbreak (setting your iPhone in a state where it can [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/iphone-activation-for-dummies/

  6. Toto Washlet Breaks New Ground in Advertising With Flash

    Date: 07/24/07     Keywords: web

    I came across a very interesting ad from Toto introducing Washlets to the US market. It employs nudity, specifically smiling asses to drive home its point - Washlet makes your ass happy. The ad was intriguing, the website cleanishappy uses Flash to create a very interactive presentation and drives home its point well. While it [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/toto-washlet-breaks-new-ground-in-advertising-with-flash/

  7. iPhone Hacking: Security Vulnerability Allows Full Remote Control From Malicious Web Sites

    Date: 07/24/07     Keywords: security, web

    Security researchers Charlie Miller, Jake Honoroff & Joshua Mason claimed and then demonstrated a prrof-of-concept vulnerability in iPhone which can be used by any website to inject codes in iPhone which will allow full remote control of your iPhone over the internet. The hackers can do everything you can do with your iPhone remotely. They [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/iphone-hacking-security-vulnerability-allows-full-remote-control-from-malicious-web-sites/

  8. XBox 360: Major Trouble Ahead From Wii & Itself

    Date: 07/24/07     Keywords: no keywords

    Wii continues to dominate the US market. Nintendo shifted 381,800 Wii consoles and 561,900 DS handhelds in June compared to 98,500 PlayStation 3 units and 198,400 Xbox 360 consoles. But the biggest trouble for XBox 360 could be the product itself. Consider the case of avid gamer Brian Crecente. Nine XBox 360 died on him of [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/xbox-360-major-trouble-ahead-from-wii-itself/

  9. TailRank Overtaken By Spammers; Link Based Importance Algorithm suspect

    Date: 07/23/07     Keywords: technology, spam

    Mike @ TechCrunch wondered whether TailRank belonged to the technology deadpool. And today the top story on TailRank is a viagra spam post. The second headline story is a porn spam post. Below that are real stories but they’re months old. This is from the site that was “designed with spam prevention in mind.” His concerns [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/tailrank-overtaken-by-spammers-link-based-importance-algorithm-suspect/

  10. How To: Wireless Networking With BSNL DataOne Broadband On Windows & Linux

    Date: 07/22/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I am going to describe a simple no-brainer way to share your BSNL Dataone Broadband internet connection over wireless network. The same principles can be used with other broadband connections too. Here is what you need: 1. A normal non-wireless modem from BSNL which comes with the connection. You can also substitute it with an equivalent [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-wireless-networking-with-bsnl-dataone-broadband-windows-linux/

  11. HSQLDB Tip: Case Insensitive LIKE Query in HSQLDB RDBMS & Space Crunched String Comparison

    Date: 07/21/07     Keywords: database, sql, java

    I previously discussed how to extend HSQLDB relational database with simple Java functions. The example there actually implements case insensitive like query functionality for HSQLDB. Read the article to get an understanding of how to write such custom functions and how to use them. Then read below to find a solution for performing space crunched [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/hsqldb-tip-case-insensitive-like-query-in-hsqldb-rdbms-space-crunched-string-comparison/

  12. My Favorite Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Quote

    Date: 07/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    My favorite quote and song from Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows. The song has a spoiler. You have been warned. My favorite quote: “NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!” It symbolized any Mother’s protective instinct. My favorite song, and the only one, from this book is obviously: “We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter’s the one, And Voldy’s gone moldy, [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/my-favorite-harry-potter-and-the-deathly-hallows-quote/

  13. AJAX-Javascript File Upload Form

    Date: 07/21/07     Keywords: web

    Ext extension UploadForm is a new extension to easily upload multiple files from web interface to a server. The files are added to a queue first and then uploaded. The live file upload status and statistics are shown. The extension is pretty stable and usable. You can see a demo here. It is based on [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/ajax-javascript-file-upload-form/

  14. How To Generate Fake Name & ID in Bulk for Free

    Date: 07/21/07     Keywords: database, web

    Normally we need fake id’s when we are developing or testing any application with user authentication & entitlement. Fake ids are required to populate the database for testing. I wouldn’t recommend that you use them to fill in the website registration forms which asks you for personal information, no Sir. Here is how you [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/bulk-fake-name-id-generator/

  15. Why Harry Potter Fans Are Outraged On NYT Premature Review?

    Date: 07/21/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I was reading the outrage of Harry Potter fans regarding the premature review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book. I had read the review and it contains some spoilers like the meaning of deathly hallows, number of deaths (I am amazed that someone took the pain to actually count it!) etc. Harry Potter [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/why-harry-potter-fans-are-outraged-on-nyt-premature-review/

  16. How To Use Harry Potter Spells At Work

    Date: 07/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I was musing on how we could incorporate Harry Potter spells in corporate world. It looks feasible to me. Certain times the air becomes too thick and people begin to get too serious and self-important. Few spells applied at proper moments can break the somberness and make the process enjoyable while conveying the message. Let’s [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-use-harry-potter-spells-at-work/

  17. How To Enable/ Disable Auto Reconnect in MySQL

    Date: 07/20/07     Keywords: mysql, sql

    What is auto reconnect in MySQL? The MySQL client library can perform an automatic reconnect to the server if it finds that the connection is down when you attempt to send a statement to the server to be executed. In this case, the library tries once to reconnect to the server and send the statement again. [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-enable-disable-auto-reconnect-in-mysql/

  18. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows: Voldy Got Moldy…

    Date: 07/20/07     Keywords: no keywords

    I have to say Mrs. J. K. Rowling loves her Harry Potter fanbase too much and listens not only to their requests but their humors too. So as Voldy gets moldy, let’s have some fun with the new Potter book. A book where finally all the inconsistencies and riddles have been adequately explained like Dumby’s [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/voldy-got-moldy/

  19. Java Runtime.Exec() Guide

    Date: 07/19/07     Keywords: java

    Everything you ever wanted to know and should know about Java Runtime.exec(). This old but still golden article is an excellent guide to using Runtime.exec(). The key points he discusses are: 1. You need to drain the input stream to prevent because failure to promptly write the input stream or read the output stream of the subprocess [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/java-runtimeexec-guide/

  20. How To Split Java String By Newlines

    Date: 07/19/07     Keywords: web

    Splitting a String by newline is a common requirement. When processing textual data from files or from web we need to split the data by newline boundaries. The solution aren’t hard either. Let’s see a simple one liner solution using String.split(). String[] poList = pos.split("\r\n|\r|\n"); What did I do? I am splitting the String based on a regular [...]

    Source: http://blog.taragana.com/index.php/archive/how-to-split-java-string-by-newlines/

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