Noob Questing

    Date: 06/12/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: java, web

    After hours of fiddling fruitlessly with search engines i decided to try my luck on LJ.
    I was wondering whether there is a Java code that allows you to hover over one image, causing you to get another image and link.
    I don't quite know how to explain it, and i am afraid it might be a flash code (which i know nothing of).

    Sometimes when one goes to a site, one will see an image (image A) & when one hovers over it, it becomes another image (image B).

    image A + hover = image b that when clicked sends one to another page.

    What i am trying to do is have a table of equal sized pictures, and when people hover over the different images they can be redirected to another part of the website. I know how to do that which just an image and a href encompassing the image, but in this case i'd like the image to change to another image and become a link.

    I hope i'm making myself understandable and not too fussy.
    I've asked various people and searched but can't find anything.

    Thanks in advanced =)


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