More blocked windows issues

    Date: 06/29/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: browser, html, java, security, yahoo, google

    Last week I posted about a guy I work for is not getting popup windows on XP IE... we wrote it off for the meantime but I am back trying to figure out why he is not able to open windows via javascript.

    One window is opening, but I also noticed while visiting my PM, that the JS to remove the location bars, menus, etc so that its just a simple window seem to fail. He is getting a full blown window.

    Anyone have any idea why that would fail? Could it have anything to do with his browser security levels? He also has these toolbars: Google, Yahoo, MSN, LInkedin, Linkman.

    [updated] OK - it looks like the two windows that are opening are forms that are submitted via Javascript or that the window is opening via HTML target=... So he's browser is definitely blocking the new window JS. Based on a suggestion from the last post I found this page


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