Cambrian House Wants You!

    Date: 07/07/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: software, asp

    Do what you love.

    Lots of us write software professionally, but how many are working on projects that we're passionate about? At Cambrian House, you get to work on what you love. Work as much as you want. Pick the project, develop the product!

    Want more details?

    About Us: The Cambrian House Mission Statement
    Cambrian House's mission is to discover and commercialize software ideas through the wisdom and participation of crowds. Contributors earn royalties, sharing in the success of the products.

    How It Works
    You think it
    Most aspiring entrepreneurs and armchair innovators have more ideas than resources. Why let the fruits of your genius languish on the vine? They're yours to grow. Put them in play. Got one just waiting to burst out? Submit it now!

    Crowds test it
    But don't buy that Mercedes just yet. Before we greenlight production, your freshly baked ideas run the consumer gauntlet. Flourish or flounder? The market decides. Take a peek at the process: vote on Idea Warz!

    Crowds build it
    So the people have spoken, and they love your idea. With the help of the worldwide development community, we turn it into reality. Contributors can take their pick of exciting projects, and in return, they get a piece of the royalty pie. Want your piece? Join our community now and get a head start!

    We sell it
    Show time! YourIdea 1.0 hits the virtual shelves with all the marketing power of Cambrian House behind it and with a little help from Chameleon. Every contributor – including you – has a vested interest in helping the product shine, because every contributor benefits from its success.

    You profit
    When we say "every contributor benefits," we don't mean warm and fuzzy feelings. We mean real money. When you collaborate with Cambrian House, you get Royalty Points. That means as long as the product generates profit, so will you!

    What are you waiting for?
    Submit Ideas, Submit Code and Submit Creative Content!


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