
    NVU Users

    Date: 07/13/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, java, web

    I posted a few weeks back and someone recommended a WYSIWYG program called NVU, which has proven itself impecable.

    I have a question about uploading straight to FTP or what not.

    That's what the program looks like, and right there is uploading that html file, but to the side you see all those .jpg files?

    I've noticed it uploads all these pictures too, when the code i have is linking the images from a photobucket account.
    . . .How to explain. . .

    Is there a way to stop this program from uploading all these huge picture files that are stored elsewhere?
    (When you go to the site...the pictures are being linked from the photobucket, why are they being stored in the website's host space?)

    Can i delete them?
    It's slightly frustrating because each picture is about 1 MB big, it's taking up space (which could be used otherwise), and time to upload these pictures .-.

    Help please?
    I know this is not Javascript per say, but since someone here recommended the program, i was hoping to find an answer.:)


    BTW, this is what the written code looks like:

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