Links&Japanese edited by WYSIWYG evilness

    Date: 09/10/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: html, web, microsoft

    Hello =) I was wondering if anyone could help me out.
    I'm using a WYSIWG Program to create my web site and then upload it directly to through ftp.
    I'm having some issues with the program and uploading the html pages, it keeps editing things.
    Specially links and Japanese text.

    I have a script to pre-load a commenting pop-up link:

    But the program keeps insisting in turning it to:

    I realized it also does this for the images, which it uploads to the server, therefore it losing the whole link but the file name doesn't cause a problem. But with this link it is, it prevents from loading the Halo scan script.


    Since it's a WYSIWG program i can just copy/paste the Japanese text from Microsoft into my preview section.
    When i look at the source it's been turned into the &number; format.
    However, if i click back to see the preview and then back to see the source (if i'm editing multiple things at once) - the &number;'s are changed into the characters in my sourse...which makes them unreadable when i upload the ftp.

    These are two problems i have not found a way around, and that are beginning to seriously become time wasting. *sigh*

    I've tried to look at the program settings, but nothing seems to be unclickable for it to just STOP doing that.

    The program i use is: Nvu V1.0 (by Linspire)

    [x-posted to '[info]'htmlhelp]


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