
    Date: 09/12/06 (Javascript Community)    Keywords: browser

    Hello. I have a very basic, and probably extremely easy to solve problem.

    This is in the [head]


    And this is the link:

    When i click on the link it just opens the site, but there is no pop-up.
    I'm sure i've screwed some part of the code up when editing it, but i am not sure where.

    In addition, if someone could explain me, i need up to 8 pop ups in one page, does naming them 1-8 cause a problem?
    Does the name need to be associated with the URL/Title?


    Also, not associated - why does IE put a grey background to my png images? Works fine with Mozilla, i don't know about other browsers.
    Is there a way to avoid browsers chaging pngs?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/javascript/111416.html

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